Blog: Wiki So Far

So far I have updated the YouTube page on our class wiki. I have added some information on who founded Youtube, and how popular it is today. I also edited the genres section of Youtube, and write many more examples of different types of videos. I also added a famous YouTuber on the page, and write a small bio on him and his accomplishments on YouTube. I will continue to work on this page by adding a couple of more famous YouTubers, to show the diversity on YouTube and how many famous YouTubers can come from around the world.


  1. YouTube has always been a site where anyone can share video content to anyone from all over the globe. It's fun, easy, and entertaining. There are people like Michelle Phan, NigaHiga, PewDiePie, etc make salaries of thousands to millions depending on the amount of viewers. The people I mentioned above, you probably know who they are and you can use those to add onto your NEW MEDIA WIKI if you can't think of another famous YouTuber.


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